MoMo- G+Pet of the Month September
Nice to meet you! I’m MoMo and very excited to be featured because I LOVE being the center of attention. I was BORN for the spotlight. And I hear there may be treats for me. What? No treats? We can talk about that later.
My parents adopted me when they moved into their new house in Flatbush last Thanksgiving because they desperately needed my help – and skills - running the place. It's their first time owning a house, so I have my work cut out. The hardest jobs are rolling in the backyard vegetable patch to frighten off intruders, racing up hallways after midnight to test the structural integrity of the house (it IS 103-years-old), and delivering operatic solos one-hour before mealtimes so mom and pop don't forget to feed me. The best part of living in this house: hundreds of hiding places – my faves are between floorboards under the stairs. Yesterday I even slipped out on a top-secret mission to explore the neighborhood. I was only gone a few hours but mom and pop were NOT pleased with my ‘disappearance’ (their word). On the bright side, I did get extra treats when I returned in time for dinner. The jury’s still out on whether I'll attempt a follow-up mission. In the meantime, if you’re thinking about a new home, contact Chris Kucha at Berkshire Hathaway. She’ll definitely help you find it!